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Azulgar Star Commanders Keygen Download


Updated: Dec 9, 2020

About This Game Azulgar: Star Commanders is a Sci-Fi open world sandbox game that puts you in a command of your own custom made space ship. Explore aftermath of the Azulgar event that reshaped the face of the solar system.Game is currently in tech demo stage. Please visit roadmap section in our website for future updates reference. 1075eedd30 Title: Azulgar Star CommandersGenre: Action, Adventure, Indie, Simulation, Early AccessDeveloper:SZEINERPublisher:SZEINERRelease Date: 31 Aug, 2017 Azulgar Star Commanders Keygen Download azulgar star commanders gameplay. azulgar star commanders Loving this game it has so much potential. The spaceships look incredible.. I can't quite put my finger on this but there is definatly something really good here.The combat is hard (or i might just be rubbish) and i die or lose my weapons really quickly. Desipte this being early access it runs smoothly. Aiming and moving around is going to take some learning.Editor ship buliding is pretty simple but that's a good thing, you can make a cool ship in next to no time then jump out to blast away (only to find you have no ammo boxs attached).Everyone says potential on early access games so much so it's a bit of a cliche' but this really does have it and could turn out to be a fun title. It, already is a good game. Although it may not be worth it now, you might as well get it. ive talked with developer and what he has planned is amazing. i wont say it now, but whats in the game already is good and almost complete. ive only expeirienced ONE bug thoughout the 6+ hours ive played. Although it is very incomplete now, it will be better than most AAA games later. Get it now, play it a lot, forget about it for a month, see it again, gush over updates, be amazed, 1M hours later and they already planned modding support.. For those of you that are experiencing the infinite death please right click and go to options, click local files, and verify the integrity of files, it fixed the problem for me, i have had this for a while and just decided to try this so it occours to me that it might not have been tried by those people with negative reviews stating that this is occouring. actually going to try playing now to see how i like it.. Completely broken for me. In it's current state, almost everything is locked (not playable). I go to start a singleplayer game, which is the only thing it let's me do, and I just start exploding as soon as I spawn. Constantly, every second I die. The game is unplayable. Waste of money. Also UI doesn't support 4k. Seems like a load of false advertising as far as what is and isn't playable.... Has nice graphics, but buggy and there are a lot of work to be done to make it a game. And controls(in combination how ship responds to controls) are garbage.. When I saw the first demo, I did not believe that this game would get somewhere, but the creators of the game surprised and fast they moved. The ghost of the comic graphic looks interesting and shows something new compared to realistic space games. The game gives space for creativity and choice of type boats so everyone finds their own, but even if people is not too creative ,so are in the game of built boats of the to open the game to such players.If the creators will move as far as now it will compete with professional game studies.I recommend the game. Now, this game is amazing.And that is not because I got a key to review and do YouTube videos on itIt is genuinely fun. BUT it does have a VERY low player count (i mean it released just a few weeks ago and in Early Access so meh) and some bugs. Graphics are amazing and the mechanics are just too good Sneek peek Alpha Gameplay Video: Hello guys,This is a work in progress alpha multiplayer gameplay video. As such it does not display the quality of the final product. Not even the quality of the early access release. It still has a lot of things unfinished as it is a testing scene. E.g. Mars obviously is not next to Earth in real life :). We apologize for the quality we did this one really quick :). We wanted you to have a sneak peek on our development. We are soon going to hit you with information on early access release. Thank you for your support!Tomasyou can watch the video here: Start your engines Commanders!: Christmas time has come and you will soon be unpacking your presents. We have one for you. We have carefully listened to your views and suggestions, which eventually crystallized our new update. Let's look at it in more detail.Let’s get bigger!. Status Report: Hello everyone !Unfortunately we are lagging behind our road-map. Due to setbacks in development, our multiplayer code is still not ready for release. We also decided to migrate to new version of Unity, which slowed us down for another couple of weeks. At this point we won't be setting up any official dates and next update will be released when it is done. It should be clarified at this point that we are a small team of enthusiasts working on this game in our own free time. Which means our development is slower, but it also means that we are not planning on stopping any time soon either. Sorry and thank you for your understanding.. New enemies and a Quest system, Ship physics improved!: Hello guys, We are back with a new bunch of additions and fixes to our game. So far we have gotten a lot of feedback from the community about what they would like to add to the game and were listening :). We are happy now to bring you more of the game that we wanted. More additions will follow in the next few weeks. As the development of the game progresses we want to bring you flawless ship building and base building experience together with the old Freelancer feel that has been an integral part of our childhoods. A living universe that will react to your choices and decisions and parts that you might take in the space politics.In this build we have added: Quest system Basic player quests added to get you more familiar with game mechanicsSimple Quest Log UI Co-op map improvedShootable exploding mines Ammo & Credit lootboxesShips now move more realistically based on ship sizeNew Morrid sounds Morrids spawn locations changedMissile locking improvedSpawning of enemiesSounds for weapons updatedLoot Boxes now give you ammunitionIssues fixed in this build:Shield & afterburner spamming Ship rotation is now FPS independentCamera rotation while in loading screenDisabled controls when loading into the gameAudio disabled while in loading screenGame icons changed. Development roadmap for Legends of Azulgar - Space Conflict: We wanted to inform you of the roadmap that is planned for Legends of Azulgar. There are a lot of things that we want to add to the game. A lot of you have been asking what were the plans for this game and this is an explanation of the upcoming features. As always we are working hard to bring you the best possible gaming experience! If you want any features added to the game please dont be afraid to ask. By popular demand we will try to push the features that are most wanted by the community first. Development Roadmap - Short and mid term Please tell us which one of these features you would like to have implemented as first and we will just push it forward! :) Don’t be shy and ask for your own features! We value all of your ideas highly. We are mixing it with with a way more involved ship to ship combat than what you guys were used to in the past. It’s very skillbased. Just try out and see. Player progression You will begin with a fighter ship bridge and your first task will be to find a suitable fighter build. From that moment you will have work your way up to dreadnoughts, large bases and wingmen. You will have to loot, research and harvest resources to do that or you can just trade your way up. Ingame Base building and improvements You will be able to build your bases in space these bases will serve as the base of your operations. If you die you will be transported here. You will be able to do production and trade here both with AIs and other players. You will be able to process your raw resources here and offer services to other players. There will be a pub with missions that you can take. Bounties and a brothel/club for your fellow crew. There will be a hangar where you can upgrade and repair your ships. Research station where you can unlock new upgrades for ships and the station itself and many more. You can build your base anyhow you like. The same that applies to ship building applies to building your base. You can build it from scratch and lego-like customize it anyhow you like. Base defenses Your bases will have defenses you will be able to fit the same weaponry to bases as to your ships. You will be able to take control of your base defenses same way you take control of your ships or just set them to auto. Hand - crafted open world map with hidden loot There will be our whole solar system with all the planets we have with moons and a real sun that will destroy your ship if you get anywhere close. Close to each of the planets and moons there will be stations and hidden places to find loot and and scrap together with places that will uncover LOA lore, the origin of morrids and many more secrets to uncover (special weapons anyone?). There will be another secret solar system that holds a lot of stuff to uncover. We are aiming for a living universe that is why we take good care to handcraft it and not go for procedural generation. We believe that this way we can bring a more complete game experience. Here is just a quick list of things that will appear all over the maps: Pirate bases, Abandoned and destroyed bases, Ship crashes, Trade bases, Anomalies - Azulgar dimension, Meteorite fields, Ancient azulgar portal - endgame dungeon like map (dungeons in space!) Everything you see in the game and on the ships will be lootable If you kill your enemy and dispose of his bridge you will have the possibility to either take his own ship or drag it back to the base and scrap it for parts or loot. Basically everything in the game will be what you see is what you get. We like it to be that way because it makes the game more realistic. Factions and Player Roles Players will be able to take the role of traders, pirates or the army which is UEF or Freelancers. All these roles will have a different impact on your gameplay. For example if you play your role as a Freelancer you will not really have any enemies until you actually allienate one of the factions by killing their members. Traders will freely roam the map and have valuable cargo with escorts watching their backs depending on how valuable cargo they have. Traders will sell their goods all over the solar system. Black Sun are the pirates that only watch their own backs. They steal and pillage ships and bases but they are a valuable source of information on how to battle the morrids. They are the only faction that is not afraid of them. They might even be profiting from killing them. But as to how its on the player to find out. UEF - United Earth Federation - these guys picture themselves as the good guys in space. They protect everyone from morrids and black sun and try to uphold the law in the far reaches of the solar system. As every group however they have their own set of motivations driving them. Morrids - the giant creatures of space. They appear hostile to everyone and their intentions in destroying the solar system are unknown. But maybe they have a purpose? All of these factions will freely roam the map and battle each other. Engage in fights or be friendly. When a trader for example travels from one base to another you will always find him travelling on the same path. Ship parts will have increased weight and durability the bigger they are You will be able to resize your ship components as it is done now in creative mode. Resizing your ship parts will impact your weight but also enlarge endurance of individual ship parts. Larger parts will also cost more money. Servers supporting a simultaneous play of up to 16 players - maybe more Campaign that can be played solo or coop Any of you guys ever played Rebel Galaxy, Freelancer or Sid Meiers Pirates? So this is what we would like our game to be. A fun and engaging campaign inside a living universe. Where ships roam freely and have their own set of goals. Now imagine all that together with the survival aspect and building mechanics of ships and bases. That will be fun! Single player survival You can play offline and avoid other players completely. The game will be rewarding the players in the same way. Multiplayer At this point in time we dont want to overpromise so we opted to have a smaller 16 player base per server. However! Your base, your blueprints and all your belongings will be persistent and saved on the master server. When you login into the game you will spawn together with your base - if you have one. And all the stuff that you have will be there. When you log off the server your base will disappear and it will no longer be vulnerable to attack. We want to avoid offline raiding and players loosing all they have to other players or AIs with no chance to defend. PVE Servers Players that will opt to play in PVE servers will be able to choose this option and never get attacked by other players. PVP Servers Anything goes on PVP servers. You can get killed and looted and your base can be destroyed. Your base however disaappears when you are not online. But beware, killing other players without reason will flag you a pirate and you will be fair game. There is no way to get back once you are a pirate you will stay as one forever - hunted and despised Safe zones There will be safe zones for new players on multiplayer servers so that they dont get killed right at the start. Ship classes Together with the current 3 ship classes that we have we will be adding Frigates, Carriers, Dreadnoughts, Destroyers, Haulers etc. All of these will be much larger than the current ships in game. They will be absolutely massive beasts but they will be very expensive to make. At least 3x more weapons for ships The current arsenal will be enlarged with many more weapons such as Rotating naval guns more missiles and sniper weapons. Mining destructible asteroids Fully functional space hook that you can use to drag stuff around, grab larger loot - like crashed ships. You will be able to take the asteroid of your liking and drag it back to your base for resource production. You will be able to use these resources either for trade or for your own production of module and base improvements. Ejecting from your ship and moving your bridge to another oneYour ship bridge is detachable even now when you hold the J button. You can re-install your base on your ship by pressing H. This way you will be able to change ships should yours get damaged in the fight. Plague of Azulgar - sometimes the Azulgar dimension enters yours and swarms of morrids come to attack your base. This is an event that happens from time to time and you have to be ready for it. Its really tough! Players have to find out why this is happening. Randon attacks on your base. Sometimes your base gets attacked and you have to hurry back to defend it. Cybermodules for captains Your captains will be fully customizable using the cyber modules RPG style. While some modules will have immediate effects when you use them others will be passives that your captains will have active at all times. Pub / Brothel (yes ideally you will be able to serve other players at your premises) Players will be able to join an already running game (currently there is an issue with networking that does not allow us to do that we have to work on a workaround)Captain and crew managementCyber modules that enhance all of your abilities and unlock new things -these can be looted if you dieAnd finally - Full on modding support (most of the code that we do. Get Crazy Creative! Fast! - New Trailer + Survival news + updates: Hello guys, we just posted a new trailer on steam. It shows how you can create any ships really fast and how creative you can get while doing them. We had some real fun making those and shared a good few laughs while making the video. The video has been made while playing in creative mode. We will be adding much more creative possibilities in the future in the form of new building blocks and ship functionality. Any functional blocks that you guys would like are possible. Just say what you want and if we can implement it we will do it. :)Soon you can expect a major update to the survival portion of the game. You will see new enemies, base building, mining and dragging asteroids for resources with a ship hook. We will give you some more guidance what to do in survival and a real purpose to your base. All in all the game will get much bigger in the next few days / weeks. We will frequently hit you with updates. In the beginning we will be posting updates on an irregular basis and probably very fast - almost daily. After some time we will probably settle with updating the game once a week. If you want to check the trailer in a better quality on youtute here is the link: "BearOwl" Psenicka. Some more wip in development screenshots.: Hello guys, we are still hard at work here at Lusorion on Azulgar. I know I have promissed you guys with a gameplay trailer but since we are still really deep in development we had to re-adjust our plans a bit. We want to bring the best experience possible and now its really kicking in. So for a little bit more time we still focus on dev. In the meantime I am posting some in-development wip screenshots. One of them is showing the MK1 Morrid from another dimension the the other one is showing the basis of your home base with a hangar where you can re-build and reshuffle your ships armaments and the overall design. Another picture is of the sniper mode. And lastly there is a picture of a derelict station that you can loot. I am using my custom-built Gunship for these purposes. Currently you are able to fit your ship with as many as 80+ modules , weapons and ship variations. We are really happy as to how the ship-to-ship combat is progressing and the weapons kick a real punch. There will be an untold number of different enemies in the game in a hand-crafted universe. I will keep you posted with updates We appreciate your patience and again humbly thank for your support :)Tomas. Dedicated server release: Dear players,We'd like to announce the release of the first version of the dedicated server for Legends of Azulgar, which will allow you to create your own server and set up games for more players. For the dedicated server, we have used the Photon Server support application, which basically allows registration for 100 players. This limit can be increased by purchasing a Photon license. At the same time, we are planing to create a persistent server and application where you can activate your own game modifications. We believe that especially the most creative of you will be interested in this option.You can download it here [].= LoA Developer Team =


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